***** Sugar White Poison: an amazing expose on this
toxic stuff 18 min, 141,800 views, Australian
Broadcast Corp, the condensed, plain language, account of how the refined carbs
& fructose are at the heart of the obesity, diabetes pandemics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBp_dMIMryM FIRST CHOICE
***** The Secrets of Sugar 45 min, 484,000 views, CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) program; starts with a young family and show
that at the heart of the weight problem with impending health consequences lies high sugar diet. It also shows experiments on college students, uses interviews to drive home the point that sugar is the
health issue, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDaYa0AB8TQ most entertaining, SECOND CHOICE
§***** Low carb diet: Fat or Friction 29 min, 357,600 views, Australian Broadcast Corp (ABC), for large audience, on
how the low carb diet (thus high-fat diet) prevents and cures obesity and type-2-diabetes—the New Atkins diet (below). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNUh7P3TrAE THIRD
CHOICE excellent
*****The Complete Skinny on Obesity 58 min, 288,000 views, University
California TV (UCTV), Dr. Robert Lustig Prof USF, great graphic, documentary, ask how did we get so fat, from 10% to 40% in
10 years, on addiction and the biology of weight gain. Fats not the problem but
carbs and sugar, especially fructose. General audience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moQZd1-BC0Y Lustig’s best, FOURTH CHOICE
***** The Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes 54 min,10,5000 views, Dr. Fung, latest lecture 11/14, similar to the first two
diabetes video and with two patients re-accounting their experience on alternate-day fasting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcLoaVNQ3rc excellent
***** Fat and Cholesterol do NOT Cause Heart Disease 5 min, 11,000 views that saturated fats are good, and Ancel Keyes role in fat-cholesterol myth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8WA5wcaHp4 from Fat Head 103, sound, graphs, interviews, facts—great presentation, excellent
Enjoy Eating Saturated Fats: They’re Good for You 53 min, 262,000 views. Prof. Donald Miller, surgery, cardiothoracic division, University
of Washington. Clear well organized college
lecture with graphics and lots of information, given to audience of physicians, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRe9z32NZHY 8th, very good
***** The Aetiology
of Obesity, the Fast Food Solution (Part 4 of 6): 84 min, 27,000 views, Dr. Fung’s biology behind obesity and the biology behind alternate-day
fasting, which is a sure way to cure
type-2 diabetes and obesity. Explains it’s parallel to bariatric surgery cure.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG89j432w-Y Excellent
***** The Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes 54 min,10,5000 views, Dr. Fung, latest lecture 11/14, similar to the first two diabetes video and with two patients
re-accounting their experience on alternate-day fasting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcLoaVNQ3rc excellent
*****Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts ignoring the guidelines 18
min, 912,000 views, by Sarah Hallberg MD, TEDx PurdueU, passionate on treating diabetes and insulin resistance with low-carb
high-fat diet, and on the viscous cycle of taking medications which require carbs to prevent the side effects with hypoglycemia,
high carbs is strongly associated with heart attacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da1vvigy5tQ excellent
Fasting—Solving the Two Compartment Problem 36 min, 141,000 views, Dr. Jason Fung lecture on the yo-yo diet, explains why the long-term obese early always gains
back most or more of the weight that they lost within a few years, metabolism drops and they “feel like shit”.
Leads to the biology of fat storage. Solution
is low carbs and fasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuj-oMN-Fk Excellent
A must watch lecture
below, on how pharma follows tobacco ethics, thus maximizes profits. A
major study that compared 74 journal articles based on the clinical trials to the raw data submitted to the
FDA; it found average positive bias of 32%. This reveals a flaw in our system: What barely works is sold as safe and effective—side effect are rarely considered
by the FDA. There is a revolt among medical scientist and doctors over the corruption,
but you won’t hear about it in our corporate media. As Prof. Ben Goldacre
states: “A perverse system produces
perverse results”. We all have been scammed by a corporate shadow government
that puts profits before people. Examples of pharma’s scams are provided
by Prof. Marcia Angell. The last documentary drives their home this corruption
with psychiatric drugs as examples.
***** President’s Lecture
Series 2009-2010,
78 min, 27,600 views MD. Marcia
Angell PhD Harvard,
based on her best-selling book, “The
Truth About Drug Companies and how they deceive us” Her lecture
with slides is an example of clarity, organization, and use of examples to illustrate points, all of which show the ways pharma
and corporate media deceives the public, “educates” doctors, and influences regulators. The information system is broken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDbQNBla6aU Highly
***** Making a Killing, the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs 95 min 669,000 views, on how psychiatrists have become
drug pushers—all major aspects. This is a blue print
on how pharma markets all classes of drugs, and FDA is in bed with them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsqDyEMkLpQ excellent
***** Heart of the Matter Part 1 Dietary
Villains, 29 min, 615 views, Australian Broadcast Company (ABC), the saturated fat-cholesterol
myth causes heart disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGIGXfIDaJo Heart of the Matter, Part 2 29
min 3,800 views. Show that statins don’t save lives,
are not safe, and how pharma gets away with the biggest of drug heists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa9ZYsW59Zo and again at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4eTGMe-EY excellent
§*****The Cholesterol Hypothesis is Wrong—Part 1, 31 min, 3,000 views Malcom Kendrick 2014 Seminar, excellent lecture using medical science to
expose the cholesterol myth to medial audience, goes over 10 pieces of strong evidence, very convincing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ls9HWRxvMo Excellent
§Uffe Ravnskov: The cholesterol campaign and its misleading dietary advices 29 min, 13,000 views by the leading scientist specializing on the cholesterol
myth, a university level lecture full of strong evidence who stress pathogens and immune functions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMf3aFSdNag Very good
§***** Our Chemical Lives 28 min, 4,000 views Australian Broadcast Corporation, about
the harmful chemicals and that they are assumed safe and thus don’t require
testing, and if tested and shown dangerous, but not subject to regulatory oversight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9SWBAUlAvw Excellent
***** The World according to Monsanto 109 min, 431,000 views, National Film
board of Canada covers all aspects, uses science & scientists, convincing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6_DbVdVo-k excellent
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from my laptop to the television. I have the laptop by the couch, and I have a stereo hooked up to the television. I
plugged the Chromecast into the HDMI outlet on the Sony Stereo. The Sony is hooked
up to my Vizio TV. A much better experience than a computer monitor and small speakers or the TV’s tinny speakers.