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Video Links -- documentaries on diet, diseases, and pharma

Video Links -- documentaries on diet, diseases, and pharma
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There is an alarming laxity in the production of research, education of public and doctors, and standards of FDA approval for drugs, as well as the monitoring of safety and effectiveness of drugs.  A link to 2 chapters of the best book on how big PHARMA deceives us and much more by Doctor Marcia Angell (Harvard Professor and former editor of New England Journal of Medicine) over 2 dozen major journals available for free on line  another site with many free online journals


Harvard Prof. Dr. Marcia Angell:  We certainly are in a health care crisis, ... If we had set out to design the worst system that we could imagine, we couldn't have imagined one as bad as we have.”  Her excellent lecture on YouTube presenting the evidence


  5/23 /15    ***** outstanding   § new   § on DVD only 

                            BAD MEDS, BAD REGULATORS, BAD PHARMA     

***** President’s Lecture Series 2009-2010, 78 min, 7,600 views MD.  Marcia Angell PhD Harvard, based on her best-selling book, “The Truth About Drug Companies and how they deceive us”   Her lecture with slides is an example of clarity, organization, and logic using examples to illustrate points all of which show the ways pharma and corporate media deceives the public, pharma “educates” doctors, and influences regulators. The information system is broken  Highly recommended

***** Making a Killing, the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs 95 min 669,000 views, on how psychiatrists have become drug pushers—all major aspects.  Starts with senseless killings and suicides, lead into drug approval, the strong addiction these drugs cause, the pseudo testing of the drugs, and how pharma hooked up with Am. psychiatry Assoc. to turn them into willing pill pushers and invent mental illness.  Missed is that these drugs are tranquilizers, worse than nothing at all.  They pass FDA approval because they increase sleep, which is 15% of its “benefits” under Hamilton Rating Scale.  What pharma does to market psychiatric drugs, they have done with all of the most profitable classes of drugs,  excellent

Money Talks, Profits before Patient Safety 49 min, 8.000 views, documentary in format like 60 Minutes, on bad pharma, testimonial, weak on both the science and junk drugs.   Complete entertaining, very convincing

***** The information architecture of medicine, 15 min, 7,000 views, Dr. Ben Goldacre Prof, London University School of Medicine both videos are on missing data and how it perverts treatment decisions causing harm   What doctors don’t know missing data, 13 min, 297,000 views, same topic  Important message

How We Have Been Lied to by Big Pharma, 53 min, 1,400 Dr. Jason Fung; lets the evidence prove his points; would benefit from Angell & Goldacre (above) very good



In this section’s videos there is a chorus of critics on high sugar and refined carbs—some believe in the cholesterol myth.   See next section for this myth. 

***** Sugar White Poison:  an amazing expose on this toxic stuff  18 min, 25,800 views, Australian Broadcast Corp, the condensed, plain language, complete account of the sugar issues. How it is at the heart of the obesity, diabetes epidemics FIRST CHOICE excellent

***** The Secrets of Sugar 45 min, 484,000 views, CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) program; starts with a young family and show that at the heart of the weight problem with impending health consequences lies high sugar diet.  It also shows experiments on college students, uses interviews to drive home the point that sugar is the health issue, most entertaining, SECOND CHOICE

***** Heart of the Matter Part 1 Dietary Villains, 29 min, 615 views, Australian Broadcast Company (ABC), the saturated fat-cholesterol myth causes heart disease  Heart of the Matter, Part 2  29 min 1400 views.  Show that statins don’t save lives and how pharma gets away with the biggest of heists. 3rd, both are excellent


*****The Complete Skinny on Obesity 58 min, 102,000 views, University California TV (UCTV), Dr. Robert Lustig Prof USF, great graphic, documentary, ask how did we get so fat, from 10% to 40% in 10 years, on addiction and the biology of weight gain.  Fats not the problem but carbs and sugar, especially fructose. Lustig’s best, FOURTH CHOICE, excellent

§***** Low carb diet:  Fat or Friction 29 min, 6,900 views, Australian Broadcast Corp, the condensed, plain language, complete account of the low carb diet and how it prevents and cures obesity and type-2-diabetes.  FIFTH CHOICE excellent

***** The Science of Addictive Food 11 min, 291,000, CBC, on manufactured food industry carefully balances foods taste to increase addiction by making foods reach the “bliss point” through the addition of sugar, salt, fat, and crunch.  Sugar is addicting because it stimulates the reward centers of the brain. Makes extensive use of science research to find out what makes food appealing and addicting, and how to cut costs. Based on Michael Moss’s book  SIXTH CHOICE, excellent

***** Fat Chance 88 min 363,000 views, Prof. Robert Lustig MD 6/13, replaces Sugar the Bitter Truth (below 5,300,000 views). This is a lecture for a general college audience, very effective on key points of the obesity epidemic and fructose as toxic.  excellent

 Sugar, The Bitter Truth 82 min. 5,300,000 views, Prof. Robert Lustig MD, 7/09, university level lecture on sugar, fructose, obesity which needs background preparation and note taking.  Made me a believer after I researched the issues he raised., the slide in PDF at Note: Fat Chance—above—shows what years of practice can do; thus skip this one and watch first the recent Fat Chance very convincing,

***** Sugar:  the Elephant in the Kitchen 22 min, 108,000 views, Prof. Robert Lustig MD, on brain caused sugar addiction; fructose is the worse sugar

***** Is Sugar toxic -- 60 minutes investigates 14 min, 120,000 views, 60 minutes, Dr. Lustig is a guest,   very good,

§***** The Bitter Truth About Sugar and Your Health 6 min, 6,000 view, CNN News interview of Prof. Robert Lustig, an introduction into the health issues of too much fructose in our diet, and how the low fat diet caused food manufactures to add sugar, excellent

***** Fat and Cholesterol do NOT Cause Heart Disease 5 min, 11,000 views that saturated fats are good, and Ancel Keyes role in fat-cholesterol myth  from Fat Head 103, sound, graphs, interviews, facts—great presentation, excellent

***** Enjoy Eating Saturated Fats:  They’re Good for You 53 min, 190,000 views. Prof. Donald Miller, surgery, cardiothoracic division, University of Washington.  Clear well organized college lecture with graphics and lots of information, content makes up for mediocre delivery  very good

§The New Science of Sugar Addiction, 27 min, 50,000 views, UCTV, Ashley Gearhardt, lecture on the scientific evidence showing addiction to sugar,   very good

My ‘I quit Sugar’ 12 min, 47.000 views, Australian Broadcast program on sugar, a personal journey to successful low-carb diet, very good

Fat Head 103, 105 min, 276,000 views, Tom Naughton 2008, documentary high fat diet, politicalization of information about diet, the soy industry, corporate farms, and food manufacturer pushed the experts.  A bit rough in the beginning, much better after the twenty minutes, entertaining, simple with good illustration and sound/music..

Why We Get Fat – Gary Taubes at OSUMC: 71 min, 197,000 views. Gary Taubes lecture, Ohio State University, Wexner Medical Center. Taubes is a leading scholar on the issue of diet and health; his lecture covers the materials in his books (see below) very good

'Fed Up' With Sugar: Katie Couric's 10-Day Challenge, 8 min, 117,000 views, about the documentary ‘Fed Up’ released May 2014, no-sugar challenge with ABC News caster    The documentary content is on a 6th grade level entertaining


§***** Globesity:  Fat’s New Frontier, 60 min, 325,000 views full budget documentary on how food manufacturers exported the Western diet with harm  

Eat More Fat? –Amazing Results 18 min 571,000 views, a collection of snippets and testimonials that make the point that saturated fat is good, low budget good

§Understanding the Atkins Diet 9 min, 89,000 views, documentary by Atkins company of how quality on the new Atkins diet  good  

§The Atkins Diet, BBC  49 min, 43,000 views BBC documentary explaining the science behind the Atkins diet that carbs that require less energy to utilize than fats and proteins, a bit drawn out as to information and misses the health hazards of sugars, Atkins didn’t good; their website, with page on carb counter

§Dr.Eric Westman –   Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss  39 min, 160,000 views, class lecture by the author of the latest version of the Atkins diet and reversing diabetes  good

Dr. Jason Fung on dietary issues, high quality lectures using research to argue the issues and with plenty of slides--in plain language for educated audience.  How university lectures should be with graphics and tables.  His blog at covers much of this material.   Dr. Fung gives lip service to cholesterol, but is actual critical of cholesterol as cause of cardiovascular disease in Part 6 of his series.  Highly recommended lectures for those who want a good source of information.  He convincingly argues that high insulin caused by carbs is at the heart of the health disaster, and that alternate day fast will cause fat burning and cure type-2 diabetes. 

***** How to Reverse Diabetes Naturally, 35 min, 29,000 views, Dr. Jason Fung, on treating the symptom high sugar instead of the disease insulin resistance. Very important way to break the reliance on drugs with diet and exercise, with testimonials,  excellent

***** Insulin Toxicity and How to cure Type 2 Diabetes, 61 min, 31.000 views Dr. Fung. On hyperinsulinemia & its role in diabetes, similar to the previous, but for doctors treating diabetes.  Based on clinical trials that prove insulin, not glucose is the problem.  very good  

***** The Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes 54 min,10,5000 views, Dr. Fung, latest lecture 11/14, similar to the first diabetes video and with two patients re-accounting their experience on one day fasting, one day off cycle.  excellent

How We Have Been Lied to by Big Pharma, 53 min, 1,400 Dr. Jason Fung; lets the evidence prove his points; would benefit from Angell & Goldacre (above) very good


Dietary Villains: Part II, Salt Scare: 30 min 2,700 views, Dr. Jason Fung.  Shows how population studies can be misleading and that salt has little effect upon death and CVD rates.   He explains the biological effects of salt that counterbalance each other  very good 

Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6 parts: a New Hope: 59 min, 14,300, Dr. Jason Fung, academic lecture sugar consumption its history then goes into major flaws in the standard dogma on obesity.   Very good

The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2:  The New Science of Diabesity:  61 min, 7,200 views, Dr. Jason Fung; lets the evidence prove his points, insulin cause  imP7IdM2Og very good

The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3:  Trial by Diet:  81 min, 7,900 views, Dr. Jason Fung; insulin drive fat storage, though refined carbs, and insulin resistance, Atkin’s diets came out best (2X more weight loss and better cholesterol profile and blood pressure).  Ends with follow the dollar as to lectures in continuing education and American Heart Association indorsement very good

***** The Aetiology of Obesity, the Fast Food Solution (Part 4 of 6):  Dr. Fung’s college level lecture on biology behind obesity and the biology behind alternate-day fasting, which is a sure way to cure type-2 diabetes and obesity. Explains its parallel to bariatric surgery cure.   very good

The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease: 60 min. 4,300 Dr. Jason Fung, views; on the causes of the Western diseases with high insulin level, high sugar and high glycemic load.  In primitive societies (CVD, obesity, diabetes, colorectal, prostate, and breast cancers) are quite low, even with native high carbs.  Watch sequel by Dr. Fung on diabetes above. very good


The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains - Fat Phobia: 76 min. 6,300 views, Dr. Jason Fung; a review, lays to rest the fat phobia in that more fat entail lives longer, and cholesterol is good for you as you age, while low cholesterol is strongly associated with death, also that high dietary cholesterol doesn’t raise lipid level.  High glycemic index associated with heart disease, also same with omega-6 fatty acids from polyunsaturated. very good


BBC series, a series that it is unlikely PBS would broadcast or produce like series.  High on human interest, but still valuable information, though repeats fat-cholesterol myths.

§The Truth About Sugar, episode 1, 53 min, 70,000 views, BBC episode 1, a personal journey of 6 people who have sugar addiction; their going down to the WHO recommended  6 teaspoons of added (not natural) sugar a day (24 grams)--entertaining  good 

§***** The truth about Calories 73 minutes 12,000 views BBC Scotland done by a scientist, a notch above BBC Sugar-- entertaining and informative excellent

§The Truth About Fat 91 min, 12,000 view, BBC documentary, by doctor investigating fat science  very good

Removed §Most Sellable Food 56 min, 105,000 views, BBC on how big business feeds us sugars,  entertaining, good graphics, for the masses very good §

§The truth about food in six part,   Part 1 78 min, 1,268,000 views, BBC documentary dragged out into 6 episodes, more human interest that science good

§Part 2, 59 min 100,000 views     §Part 3 58 min 111,000 views                §Part 4 how to be slimdown 82 min, 4,900 views         §Part 5, 59 min, 67,000 views           §Part 6 69 min, 45,000 minutes


Entertainment full of food-industry pseudo-science--SKIP

The Weight of the Nation:  Part 1-Consequences, 69 min, 663,000 views, HBO, obesity causes, relies on expert testimonials and human interest, standard pharma view of heart disease with standard errors.  skip

Weight of the Nation:  Part 2—choices 72 min, 283,000 views, HBO, repeats myths of calories in calories out, weak will,  refined carbs, & insulin, and biology behind weight gain.  Cherry picks examples of low fat diet & exercise, no mention of 90% failure. skip

Weight of a nation Part 3 – challenges, 68 minutes, 162 min, HBO, finds standard causes such as less activity, weak will, manufactured foods high in sugar is also part of problem, wrong message about fat as the villian skip

50 Shocking Facts About Diet and Exercise 94 min, 192,000 views, BBC repository of sensationalism full of errors and rare events, pure yellow journalism  skip

National Geographic:  Half Ton World: 44 min, 34,000 views.  Super obese, lives, addiction.  Popular viewing, entertains not science SKIP  


Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and the Cholesterol Myth

***** Heart of the Matter Part 1 Dietary Villains, 29 min, 615 views, Australian Broadcast Company (ABC), the saturated fat-cholesterol myth causes heart disease  Heart of the Matter, Part 2  29 min 3,800 views.  Show that statins don’t save lives, are not safe, and how pharma gets away with the biggest of drug heists. and again at   excellent

Dr. Jonny Bowden “The Great Cholesterol Myth 74 min, 43,000 views, follows essential points of his co-authored book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” Non-technical lecture with graphics, covers role of diet, that saturated fats and cholesterol are good, sugar bad, and lowering cholesterol with statins is bad, at very good

§ ***** Statin Nation First 13 Min, 59,000 views, Justin Smith, entire documentary not available on YouTube or Amazon (as of 12/14), the entire documentary is excellent from UK, watch $5, download  $16, purchase $25 at Sequel on real causes of heart disease is coming out in Jan. 2015. is a library of resources and links on statin-cholesterol-fat-myth. 

***** The Link Between Viruses & Heart Disease  5 min, 232 views Prof. Ed. Prydial MD, explains passionately the link between viruses and heart disease.  Very good

Inflammation in Atherosclerosis 63 min, 151, Dr. Peter Libby on role of inflammation and promotion at atherosclerosis lecture for medical researchers.  Exceptional good lecture:  well-illustrated, organized, concise, covering most aspects.  Very good

Note:  Pharma has made billions treating the cholesterol myth with statins and now a new family of drugs is on the market.  These drugs do not prevent or reverse atherosclerosis and thus its health consequence.  Lowering serum cholesterol does not lower the risk of death—though their myth claims it does.  Pharma has made billions more treating the resultant hypertension and coronary heart disease.  The rise in the health problems started cigarettes and later the high-carb diet (thus low saturated fats).  The food vector through causing metabolic dysfunction that weakened immune system protection.  These accelerate a process involving pathogens living within the artery walls.  The way to reduce risk for atherosclerosis is to eat a healthy diet, exercise, take the supplements I listed, and don’t smoke.  What is true about the marketing of statin is a window on how pharma works; I call it tobacco ethics”—the ethic for the maximization of profits.    


Psychiatric Drugs and Psychiatry

***** Making a Killing, the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs 95 min 669,000 views; starts with senseless killings and suicides to show these drugs do more harm than good; leads into drug approval, they are very addicting; that pharma hooked up with Am. psychiatry Assoc. to turn them into willing pill pushers that invent & expand mental illness.  Missed is that these drugs are tranquilizers were approved because they increase sleep, which is 15% of its “benefits” under Hamilton Rating Scale.  What pharma does to market psychiatric drugs, the same is done with all of the most profitable classes of drugs,  excellent

***** Psychiatrie 108 min, 2,224,000 views, Evolution Television, a review of psychiatry’s dismal history of mental hospitals.  Also covers how pharma markets drugs to make us addicted.  Excellent historical footage, a good sequel to Making A Killing highly recommended

***** Dark Side Of a Pill, 55 min, 4 views, in German with English subtitles. English no on YouTube. SSRIs make people crazy, the human interest side with case histories.  Our corporate media is silent about the drugs behind the crimes very good

§BBC Mental A History of the Madhouse 59 min, 496, 000 views, BBC documentary on older mental institutions, shock treatment, lobotomy, physical abuse, and conditions worse than prisons. It ends with Thatcher’s solution of closing them and putting their patients on the street.  Very good  

Medicating Kids, 8 min, 16,000 views, Frontline, in six chapters, human interest follows the experience of 4 families--not critical in 6 parts; more dumb-down public education that doesn’t educate on PBS. OK


Healthful drugs opposed by Pharma

Why You Still Need Estradiol (Estrogen) 5 min, 153 views, Very good intro

Nothing of quality on aspirin, CoQ10, testosterone and estrogen—not science but marketing.  Beware of testosterone boosters, bio-identical testosterone, and bio-identical estrogen, which aren’t bio-identical (only similar for some functions, mimics) are untested and thus of uncertain value and risks.  Some mimics by occupying hormone receptors block the hormone action or turn it on when it should be off.  The leading progestin, MPA (a progesterone mimic) used in the leading HRT Prempro has caused millions of deaths by blocking the benefits of estradiol resulting in increased breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, thrombi, and coronary events.  Prempro was knowingly selected by the FDA in their mammoth trial to “prove” HRT is dangerous.  There are numerous studies which want of the health hazards of both natural and man-made chemicals that are sex hormone mimics.  Dr. John R. Lee Progesterone, 56 min, 13,000 listeners, no video, only voice, is on natural progesterone .  A mountain of journal articles show the benefits of both estradiol and testosterone.  Recently oral progesterone has come to market, and undoubted is better than the synthetic progestins, especially MPA.  Aspirin has hundreds of older journal articles show it many benefits, but like hormones and CoQ10, it would cut deeply into pharma’s profits.  There are many quality books on them based on the earlier research, and some recent research.   


Health issues

Gut Reaction Part 1 ABC Australian Broadcast Corp., Catalyst Series 28 min, 6,300 views on gut bacteria including the role of refined (low fiber free) foods & antibiotics, which causes inflammation in the gut--a causal factor for insulin resistance, diabetes, & obesity at  Part 2 29 min, 2,600 views, on low fiber diet and gut bacteria causing type 2 diabetes, on colitis treatment with feces implant (which was known since the 50s, they error in claiming it recent development( also possible for emphysema, etc. at  both recommended



Chiropractors Australian Broadcast Corporation 27 minutes, 10,000 views, excellent quality investigative reporting on Chiropractics Eye opening on quackery



The World according to Monsanto 109 min, 345,000 views, covers all aspects mostly entertaining, very convincing

Monsanto, Patent for a Pig, 43 min, 8,500 views on how Monsanto in 2006 was attempting to expand its patent to that of pigs on the basis a particular genetic fingerprint.  Show how with the global corporate system is taking over the food supply very troubling

***** Genetic Roulette 80 min, 1,336,000 views all aspect of GMOs Jeffery Smith convincing  

Seeds of Death, by Garry Null, 120 min, 1,000,000 views, on GMO, book by William Engdahl, 2007, mostly interviews, very convincing, Very good basics

Monsanto wants total control, covers up grave GMO dangers RT News, interview Jeffery Smith, 26 min, 39,000, views, 2013, excellent interview Good

Monsanto A Documentary on GMO 66 min, 231,000 views, mostly on the consequences to farmers, how the state promotes GMO via laws  Limited interest

GMO Science Australian Broadcast Corporation, Catalyst Series 7 min, 400 views, on GMO crops, BT crop , supposed only binds to protein in insect guts, toxicological testing are not required  excellent


The Dark side of Fast Food;  GMO Food — GMOs are Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Russell Blaylock (sales pitch, Newsletter, etc.) On YouTube of low quality


Farming and commercialization of food production

Food Inc., on corporate farms, YouTube for $1.00  Low budget good

The Truth About Your Food Inc. Film maker Robert  Kenner, 58 min.  626,000 views, what corporations have done to the famer and health issues good

 FARMAGEDDON:  The True Coast of Cheap Meat by Philip Lymbergy and Isable Oakeshoff, available for $3.00 on YouTube good

In Organic We Trust:  the meaning of certified Organic covers the development of organic labeling of foods, and how it has been turned into business as usual:  a tool for corporate farms and inspection by private corporations. 2013 $3.00 slow, chatty, important good 

§Today’s Modern Food:  Its not what you think – part 1, 20 min,776,000 on nutrition, contaminants, bacteria poisoning, commercial operations, GMOs, additives, etc.             Part 2, 19 min, 239,000 views

§Supermarket Secrets and Deceptions By BBC, about what we buy from corporations        Part 1, 49 min, 556,000 views,                   Part 2, 49 min, 76,000 views  good


  Politicalization of Science

***** Silence of the Labs   45 min, 15,000 views, CBC.  Their government’s war on science in the public’s interest.  What is true about Canadian government policy is even more-true for the US government.  The science behind drug safety, effects of pollution, nutrition and all else that that effects corporations is being replaced by corporate tobacco science or silence.  Cognitive dissonance is created by the two answers, one of which shows GMOs, statins, SSRIs, etc. as safe Excellent §


The documentaries the consequences of corporate tobacco ethics upon healthcare system, farming, and manufactured foods.  The fix starts with understanding our foe the corporate system and organizing to oppose their political voice.  If you want to learn through videos about the forces which make tobacco ethics determine government policies around the world and its consequences then click on this link,   


Heat Disease Warning!  Parasitic Infection Connection, 290 Views, 10 min, Dr. Lonnie Herman on parasitic infection, impassioned call to treat the real cause and get off medications that treat the symptom rather than the cause



***** The Four Horsemen 99 min, 2,120,000 views  website   

***** A Cure for Capitalism, Prof. Richard Wolf, 127 min, 74 views, Sept 2012 Palo Alto, played on Link TV, based on his book by this title--on how people can fix the system, very insightful. Excellent lecture Highly recommended §

*****  Financializing America with Randy Mandell  Randy Mandell, Pirate Television, 59 minutes, view 719, the best explanation on financialization, its history, development, and consequences. Essential to the understanding of the development of monopoly capitalism and its consequences. Highly recommended §

Global Capitalism, Richard Wolff, 102 minutes 7,160 views,, updated March 2014 Highly recommended

Thrive:  What on Earth Will it Take 215 minutes, 7,600,000 views, by Ariel Thierman & Ausin Wallacy the corporate takeover and its consequences. The first 45 minutes starts with a contra-science new age free energy claim, then corporate medicine which leads into the top of the financial pyramid.  Very important to understand the parasitic nature of finance/banking. Their power to control the economy entails that they are above government.  Thus we need a fiat debt-free currency issued by governments. Quality production

Stealing Africa—Why Poverty?  58 min, 289.000 views, how Zambia which is copper rich yet is one of the 20 poorest countries.  Show how multinational copper companies avoid paying taxes to Zambia.  A well done investigative reporting on how they do it. Excellent



Evan Solomon Interviews Noam Chomsky on his book 9/11, 41 min, 21,000 views, Canadian Broadcast Corporations, done around 2002.  Combining masterfully two themes: U.S. is a terrorist state and manufacturing consent.  Chomsky lets the facts speak (most of which are absent from the US media, but known in Europe).   One of his best,  very good

Manufacturing Consent, Noam Chomsky, 168 minutes, 32,000 views, a full budget documentary covering Chomsky’s talks over 2 decades with supporting interviews and historical background footage, such as on the massacre in East Timor, shows how the press by lies and selective reporting manufactures consent.  very good

This is Called Marxism, Buddy!—Zeitgeist III, Moving Forward, 8 min, 10,000 views, from the 161 minute documentary.  Makes the point that the ruling class manipulates their media to create a set of beliefs supporting their values, well done wake up call  very good


Consequences of Broken Economy

The Future of Food, 52 min, 16,340 views; there isn’t enough food, quality documentary