Medical information
Web Sites
Pasted from http://www.quackwatch.org/05Links/othersites.html by Quackwatch.
Links are added to this list each month. Most of
the sites listed below have substantial original information or valuable archives. The bracketed dates indicate the most recent
time we checked each site. Our goal is to select links that provide accurate and practical information. We have carefully
inspected each site and believe -- unless otherwise noted -- that they are trustworthy.
Because Web addresses often change, you may find
that some of the links on this page no longer work. If that happens, you can probably visit the site by using the domain address
instead of the longer URL we provide. You can also use Google to search for the current location or The Wayback Machine to search for an archived version. Please contact us if you find that a link does not work, encounter questionable information on any site listed on this
page, or would like to recommend a science-based site for us to consider. If you are an expert and would like to join our
web site review team, please let us know.
General Medical Information
- Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ): Information on many topics [12/20/02]
- American Academy of Family Physicians: More than 500 articles plus a medical dictionary, a large drug information database, and flow charts that advise when to treat symptoms at home when
to call the doctor. Warning: The database "Herbal and
Alternative Remedies" contains many monographs that are extremely misleading because they list common uses but fail to note
which ones are senseless or unsubstantiated. [6/15/03]
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Hundred of position statements and articles about children's health and
disease [7/16/03]
- Guide to Clinical Preventive Services: Guide to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's landmark 1996 report
on the scientific basis and cost-effectiveness of interventions for more than 80 potentially preventable diseases and conditions.
The third (2000-2002) edition is being posted to the USPSTF Web site as segments become available [7/28/03]
- Health, Fitness, and Nutrition: Gabe Mirkin, M.D., covers many topics [7/12/03]
- HealthSquare: Comprehensive health information that includes searchable copies of PDR
Family Guide to Prescription Drugs, PDR Family Guide Encyclopedia of Medicine, and PDR Guide to Women's Health [6/16/03]
- InteliHealth: Contains a wealth of information and answers individual questions.
Warning: Some
of its news articles overstate the significance of preliminary research findings; and it contains unreliable information "alternative"
practices. [7/8/02]
- JAMA Patient Page: Single topic fact sheets issued weekly [6/9/02]
- Keep Kids Healthy: Pediatric parenting advice [11/19/03]
- KidsHealth.org: Many brief articles about children's health matters [11/19/03]
- Mayo Clinic.com: Experts from the Mayo Clinic have posted information on many
topics. They also answer individual questions. Warning:
Many of its articles about and "complementary and alternative" methods are misleading. [12/04/03]
- MedicineNet: Discussions of many diseases and treatments. Written by physicians. [1/24/03]
- MEDLINEplus: Free searching of the National Library of Medicine database of medical
journal articles [9/10/03]
- MEDLINEplus Drug Information: Database of 9,000 prescription and nonprescription drugs [7/12/03]
- The Merck Manual: This highly respected medical textbook covers most diseases, but much
of it is too technical for laypersons. The consumer version is called the Merck Manual of Medical Information: Home Edition [6/16/03]
- National Guideline Clearinghouse: Index to more than 1,000 published guidelines [7/28/03]
- National Institutes of Health Consumer Health Information: Links to more than 250 reports [12/16/03]
- NetWellness: The University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and Ohio
State University offer information for consumers and an "Ask an Expert" service. Ohio residents can access a huge amount of additional information
through their public libraries [9/24/01]
- Physicians Health Study: Harvard's studies of widely used preventive health measures [11/19/03]
- Virtual Hospital: University of Iowa's searchable database of articles plus links to peer-reviewed
Web sites [11/19/03].
Food and Nutrition
Arthritis and Related Diseases
Cardiovascular Disease
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Mental Health Topics
Other Diseases and Conditions (listed in alphabetical
order by condition or service)
Dental Care
Tobacco Issues
Other Specialized Information Sites
- Aetna US. Healthcare Coverage Policy Bulletins: Many discussions of unsubstantiated treatments [11/20/03]
- Alan Guttmacher Institute: Birth control, family planning, and women's health issues. [11/20/03]
- American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS): Board certification and related topics. [8/6/03]
- American Family Foundation (AFF): Cults and other topics related to psychologic manipulation. [9/26/03]
- Americans for Medical Progress: Harm caused by "animal rights" groups. [2/3/04]
- Apologetics Index: Guide to information about cults and sects [12/4/03]
- Aquascams: Debunks water-related pseudoscience, fantasies, and frauds [7/16/03]
- Bioethics.net: Moral issues in the fields of medical treatment and research [9/26/03]
- Canadian Orthopractic Manual Therapy Association: Information and referral source [0/26/03]
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine: Standards for rational medical decision-making [9/26/03]
- CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service [11/20/03]
- Children's Health Care Is A Legal Duty (CHILD): Medical neglect rationalized on religious grounds [5/9/03]
- Chirobase: Guide to the history, theories, and current practices of chiropractors
- Creative Therapeutics: Outstanding books by child psychiatrist Richard Gardner, M.D. [8/6/03]
- Contraceptive Choices: Analysis by Robert A Hatcher, M.D., M.P.H. [6/15/03]
- Drug Information: Database covering more than 7,000 prescription and nonprescription products
- FACTNet International: Information about Scientology and dianetics [9/26/03]
- American Geriatrics Society: Patient Education Forum covers several topics. [8/6/03]
- Foundation for Critical Thinking [3/31/03]
- Girl Power: An innovative government site intended to help girls ages 9-14 make positive
lifestyle choices [8/6/03]
- HomeoWatch: Skeptical guide to homeopathy's history, theories, and current practices
- International Center for Toxicology and Medicine: Covers facts and myths related to environmental chemicals and health [12/4/03]
- KidsComeFirst.info: Criticizes "atachment therapy" and other "junk therapy" for children [8/6/03]
- Mythbusters 'R' Us: Incisive reports by journalist Michael Fumento [8/6/03]
- National Academy Press: Full text of many important health-related books. [5/23/03]
- National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Statements. Warning:
The acupuncture statement is not reliable [12/20/02]
- National Safety Council [8/6/03]
- Operation Clambake: Information about Scientology. [6/21/03]
- People for Legal and Nonsectarian Schools (PLANS): Cricism of anthroposophy [8/11/03]
- Planned Parenthood Federation of America: Birth control information [9/26/03]
- Quacks and Quackery: History of quackery, mainly in Australia [5/6/03]
- Radiology Info [1/2/02]
- Ross Institute: Information on destructive cults, controversial groups and movements [2/3/04]
- Skeptical Information Sources [7/6/03]
- The Textbook League: Promotes the creation and acceptance of scientifically sound textbooks.
- Criticism of Therapeutic Touch [9/26/03]
- American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine: Information about diagnostic ultrasound procedures [8/6/03]
- U.S. Surgeon General's Virtual Office: Gateway to Surgeon General's publications [8/6/03]
- All the Virology on the WWW: Comprehensive information about viruses. [11/19/03]
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This page was revised on February 3, 2004.