Truth’s Out on Natural HRT
My mother suffered from
vertebral compression fractures—constant pain and
stooped posture. (Most women by
85 have
them). She lived 93
years. Following a fractured forearm
when 72, she was diagnosed with osteoporosis and was placed on bisphosphonates, which she took for 9
years--quit because they upset her stomach and caused general malaise.
At age 80 her leg broke, and at 91 her
hip. She was bedridden for the last
years of her life.
So I researched osteoporosis & bisphosphonates, the standard treatment
taken by millions of women. I found 47%
of women over 64 have osteoporosis (Wiki), most of whom will suffer fractures. Bisphosphonates don’t
contain calcium. They made the don’t-take
list of the conservative Worst Pill: “long-term use of bisphosphonates can
make bones brittle and more likely to fracture.” They are a scam: they go
to the bones, remain there and thus
improve bone density,[1] but
don’t make the bones stronger. Worst Pill state that the
risk for hip, leg, and arm fractures increase.
In my research
I found that the best estrogen, estradiol, regulates
bone remodeling, and with menopause this becomes negative (loss of calcium in
the bone. I found 47%
of women over 64 have osteoporosis (Wiki). The standard treatment & prevention
until the 1990s was
HRT, which is inexpensive; now it is bisphosphonates. Testosterone level in old men is higher
comparative to estradiol in old women, which is why osteoporosis and arthritis are
far more common in women. My mother
millions of women would avoid bone fractures if they were given the
inexpensive, once standard, HRT.
Year later I looked into the older journal articles and found out
why every post menopause woman should be on natural HRT (NHRT progesterone
and estradiol). Benefits include: major
reductions in risk for heart attack,
stroke, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, etc.
I wrote down these findings with links. It is divided into 5
sections: on estrogens, junk science
by pharma
& the NIH (National Institute of Health) and the critics’ responses; HRT
benefits, recommended type and dose of NHRT;
and last is a non-technical 1-page healthful summation.
My studies uncovered critics who
explained that the NIH used knowingly the worst formulation of HRT, Prempro
(more on it below), thus the results from their major WHI clinical trial cannot
be generalized--though pharma and NIH do.
Moreover, I found also that NHRT
lowers breast cancer risk and increases survival. Laboratory work shows
that NHRT promotes the death of
cancerous cells via the body's necrosis factor.
The American Heart Association, and in 1995 held that “Estrogen
replacement therapy markedly
attenuates the development of dietary atherosclerosis… up to 50% fewer adverse coronary events.” My research uncovered that pharma
funds medical science; but
it is really marketing science (tobacco
science). The HRT story is just
one example
of how pharma through control of information controls the practice of medicine. I call it corporate tobacco ethics. In time I came to understand why doctors prescribe
bad drugs.
on point book review by
a woman on her experience with HRT & NHRT
on “Like
many women, I thought the only way to deal with
perimenopause and menopause was with Premarin [made with pregnant horse
estrogen, Yuck] and other [synthetic] hormones pushed by large pharmaceutical
companies. This book was a real eye opener for me. It explains how the
estrogens naturally found in a woman's body can't be patented, because they are
just natural bodily hormones. Therefore, the drug giants who court all the
doctors have no financial incentive to tout naturally occurring hormones.
Instead, they push the horse estrogens, and other unnatural products, which
cause side effects [and at ineffective low dose HRT--jk]. This book explains how a woman with a good
doctor can get a pharmacy to mix a custom-blended natural hormone replacement
with few, if any, side effects, because it's what's in your body already.
I took this book [Natural Hormone
Replacement for Women Over 45, by Morgenthaler
& Wright, 1997] to my doctor who said of course he'd be happy to prescribe
natural hormones as suggested in the book.[2] Had I not brought
it up, I, too would have
been prescribed that horrible Premarin or Prempro, made from the urine of
pregnant (and abused) mares. I've
with other women over 45-50 who take the horse estrogen, Premarin (the name
comes from PREgnant MARe's urine), and they were shocked that there was an
alternative their doctors had never bothered mentioning.
Anyone interested in natural health should
buy this must-read, and then discuss with your doctor.”
A Second review: “I had a hysterectomy
5 years ago and have
been very sick ever since but was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Depression and Panic Disorder. It
started within a week of the surgery. Symptoms
were mild at first but progressively got worse until I was bedridden. I have
been declared disabled by a Social Security Disability judge. I
have tried various conventional Estrogen
Replacement Therapies but without much help (pills, creams, shots, patches have
caused all sorts of reactions - even borderline delirium and total
incapacitation. [They took her ovaries during the hysterectomy and gave her a
psychiatric drug--jk.][3] A friend told me
about this book and I
immediately found an innovative GYN who worked with a compounding pharmacist
who cautiously (with slow increases) prescribed this Natural Hormone Therapy
for me via a cream since I don't absorb by mouth. [This has changed,
progesterone now can be taken orally, and is available from a compounding
pharmacy with estradiol—jk.] Within
month, I began to notice a difference. I am now feeling wonderful for the first
time in years--pre-hysterectomy normal. I
am so thrilled that I am telling my story to all that will listen. I have friends that have seen such a dramatic
change in me that they are buying the book and changing doctors to get off of
the unnatural estrogen derived from horse urine they are on. This book is a must
reading for all women and doctors who treat them. This information must get
out--had I known, perhaps my 5 year nightmare would have been avoided.” Note
by jk: My best-friend’s mother
what this woman writes of. They
took her
ovaries, put her on the tranquilizer, diazepam. In 18 months she had her first
nervous breakdown. She remained
psychiatric drugs, had 3 more nervous breakdowns over the next 22 years, and
died from breast cancer.
These sex hormones are part of
nature’s clock for death in the 7th decade. They have many additional functions including
regulation of bone formation, of metabolism though insulin-leptin levels, of
maintenance of blood vessels and skin, and a dozen more, see Wiki and Wiki. The
lack of estradiol & progesterone is
the reason for the precipitous decline in health of women after menopause &
the many chronic conditions--which pharma profits from. Life extension with
long-term NHRT is over 4 years. I thus urge you to jump through phamra’s
hoops and take NHRT.

[1] They are approved by the FDA on the surrogate
end-point greater bone mass, not less fractures.
[2] It
has gotten much worse since 2001, pharma
opposes the benefits of HRT and thus drums into doctors through opinion leaders in
pharma funded
continuing education classes that HRT (based on junk science) is bad and should
be given at the lowest dose for the shortest time—a position also taken by the
NIH (National Institute of Health). Today
only a few doctors will give gladly HRT, as the review states.
[3] Doctors believe
that castrating women is a good idea because estrogen causes breast cancer
(Prempro does, but NHRT prevents
cancer). Thus after the castration, they
aren’t given estradiol-progesterone.
Thus that lady had the expected side effects. This often begins the slippery
slope down with
downers to treat depression. All drugs
in the diazepan family and all SSRIs are downers (tranquilizers) marketed for a
long assortment of conditions. The
patient drugged that sleeps longer rates 12% higher on the Hamilton
Rating Scale (depression,
another for anxiety) and
also has less pain, etc. thus these drugs are approved by the FDA. And it gets
worse, read The Emperor’s New
Drugs, by prof. Irving Kirsch on SSRIs.
Wikpedia¨ Estradiol
Estradiol (E2 or 17β-estradiol, also oestradiol)
is a sex
hormone. Estradiol is abbreviated E2 as it has 2 hydroxyl groups
in its molecular structure. Estrone has 1 (E1) and estriol has 3
(E3). Estradiol is about 10 times as potent as estrone and about 80 times as
potent as estriol in its estrogenic effect. Except during the early follicular
phase of the menstrual cycle, its serum levels are somewhat
higher than that of
estrone during the reproductive years of the human female.
Thus estradiol is the predominant estrogen during
reproductive years both in terms of absolute serum levels as well as in terms
of estrogenic activity. During menopause,
estrone is the predominant circulating estrogen and during pregnancy
estriol is the
predominant circulating estrogen in terms of serum levels. Estradiol is also present in
males, being produced as an active metabolic product of testosterone.
The serum levels of estradiol in males (14 - 55 pg/mL)
are roughly comparable to those of postmenopausal women (<
35 pg/mL). Estradiol in vivo is interconvertible
with estrone;
estradiol to estrone conversion being favored. Estradiol has not only a
critical impact on reproductive and sexual functioning, but also affects other organs, including the
In the normal menstrual cycle, estradiol levels measure typically
<50 pg/ml at menstruation, rise with follicular development (peak: 200
pg/ml), drop briefly at ovulation, and rise again during the luteal phase for a
second peak. At the end of the luteal phase, estradiol levels drop to their menstrual
levels unless there is a pregnancy.
During pregnancy,
estrogen levels, including estradiol, rise steadily toward term. The source of
these estrogens is the placenta, which aromatizes prohormones produced in the fetal
adrenal gland. Estrogen functions
prevent apoptosis
of male sperm cells.[7] Several studies
have noted sperm
counts have been declining in many parts of the world, and estrogen
exposure in the environment has been postulated to be the cause.[8]
Suppression of estradiol production in a subpopulation of subfertile men
may improve the semen analysis.[9] {Another
theory is that the tight underwear
raises testicular temperature and thereby lowers sperm count and promotes the
production of abnormal sperm. Probably
both the estrogen mimics and underwear are the causes—JK}.
Estradiol has a profound effect on bone. Individuals without it (or other
estrogens) will become tall and eunuchoid, as epiphyseal
closure is delayed or may not take place. Bone structure is affected also,
resulting in early osteopenia and osteoporosis.[10]
Also, women past menopause experience an accelerated loss of bone mass due to a
relative estrogen deficiency.
Estradiol has complex effects on the liver. It can lead to cholestasis.
It affects the production of multiple proteins, including lipoproteins,
binding proteins, and proteins responsible for blood
Estrogens can be produced in the brain from steroid precursors. As antioxidants,
they have been found to have neuroprotective function.[11]
The positive and negative feedback
loops of the menstrual cycle involve ovarian estradiol as the
link to the hypothalamic-pituitary system to regulate gonadotropins.
Estrogen is considered to play a significant role in women’s mental
with links suggested between the hormone level, mood and well-being. Sudden
drops or fluctuations in, or long periods of sustained low levels of estrogen
may be correlated with significant mood-lowering. Clinical recovery from
depression postpartum, perimenopause, and postmenopause was shown to be
effective after levels of estrogen were stabilized and/or restored.[12][13]
Blood vessels
Estrogen affects certain blood vessels. Improvement in arterial blood flow
has been demonstrated in coronary arteries.[14]
6· ^ Carreau, S; Lambard, S; Delalande, C; Denis-Galeraud, I;
Bourguiba, S; Bourguiba, Sonia (2003). "Aromatase
expression and role of estrogens in male gonad : a review". Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology
1: 35. doi:10.1186/1477-7827-1-35. PMC 155680. PMID 12747806.
7· ^ Pentikäinen, V; Erkkilä, K; Suomalainen, L; Parvinen, M; Dunkel,
L (2000). "Estradiol acts as a germ cell survival factor in the human
testis in vitro". The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
85 (5): 2057–67. doi:10.1210/jc.85.5.2057. PMID 10843196.
8· ^ Sharpe, RM; Skakkebaek, NE (1993). "Are oestrogens involved
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341 (8857): 1392–5. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(93)90953-E. PMID 8098802.
9· ^ Raman, JD; Schlegel, PN (2002). "Aromatase inhibitors for
male infertility". The Journal of urology 167 (2 Pt 1):
624–9. doi:10.1016/S0022-5347(01)69099-2. PMID 11792932.
10· ^ Carani, C; Qin, K; Simoni, M; Faustini-Fustini, M; Serpente, S;
Boyd, J; Korach, KS; Simpson, ER (1997). "Effect of testosterone and
estradiol in a man with aromatase deficiency". The New England journal
of medicine 337 (2): 91–5. doi:10.1056/NEJM199707103370204. PMID 9211678.
Behl C, Widmann M, Trapp T, Holsboer F (November 1995).
"17-beta estradiol protects neurons from oxidative stress-induced cell
death in vitro". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 216 (2):
473–82. doi:10.1006/bbrc.1995.2647. PMID 7488136.
12· ^ Douma SL, Husband C, O'Donnell ME, Barwin BN, Woodend AK (2005).
"Estrogen-related mood disorders: reproductive life cycle factors". ANS
Adv Nurs Sci 28 (4): 364–75. PMID 16292022.
13· ^ Lasiuk GC, Hegadoren KM (October 2007). "The effects of
estradiol on central serotonergic systems and its relationship to mood in
women". Biol Res Nurs 9
(2): 147–60