Out on Natural HRT, 6/30/15
My mother suffered
from vertebral compression fractures, with its constant
pain and stooped posture by the age of 70.
When 72 she fell, broke her forearm and was
diagnosed with osteoporosis, which was treated with bisphosphonates. She took them for 9 years--quit because it
caused upset stomach, weakness, and general malaise. At age 80 her leg broke, and at 91 her
hip. She was bedridden in an assisted
living facility, which she hated, for the last 2 years of her life.
died in 2003.
I started
researching osteoporosis in 2007, and found “Bone
loss increases after menopause due to lower levels of estrogen… Osteoporosis may
also occur due to a number of
diseases or treatments including alcoholism, hyperthyroidism, surgical removal of the ovaries [no estrogen], and kidney disease. Certain
medications increase the rate of bone loss including some anti-seizure
medications, chemotherapy, proton pump
inhibitors, selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors and steroids [that lower estrogen]. Not enough
exercise and smoking are also risk factors.[1]…. Osteoporosis
becomes more common with age.[1] About
15% ofWhite people in their 50s
and 70% of those over 80 are affected.[8] ... The most important risk factors for
osteoporosis are advanced
age (in both men and women) and female sex; estrogen deficiency following menopause or
oophorectomy is correlated with a rapid reduction in bone mineral density,
while in men, a decrease in testosterone levels
has a comparable (but less pronounced) effect.[21][22] ”. (Wiki). By the age of 80,
40% will have vertebral compression fractures (at)—my mother lost 3 inches.
Its standard treatment is bisphosphonates which is taken
by 10s of millions of women. Bisphosphonates
don’t contain calcium. The
conservative Worst Pill warns: “long-term
use of bisphosphonates can actually
make bones brittle and more likely to fracture.” They are a scam: they go
to the bones and remain there. Thus
they improve bone density,[1] but
don’t make the bones stronger or prevent long-term fractures.
Worst Pill state that the
risk for hip, leg, jaw, and arm fractures increase. Bisphosphonates
being on the market since the 1980s was just one reason for pharma to do
tobacco science to diminish the use of estrogens.
In 2006 researching hormones, I found that estrogen regulates
bone remodeling, and as those hormone levels decline with menopause this process
becomes negative (loss of calcium in the bone, see graph below).
The standard treatment & prevention until
2002 was HRT, which is inexpensive; now it is bisphosphonates.
At the
age of 70, a man has higher bioactive sex hormones than a woman, and this is
why osteoporosis and arthritis are far more common in men. My mother and 10s of millions of women would
avoid bone fractures if they were given the inexpensive, once standard,
HRT. The much publicized problems
HRT come from the inferior synthetic formulations—thank you pharma.
That year I looked into the older journal articles and found
out why every post menopause woman should be on HRT other than Prempro.
Benefits include: major reductions in risk for heart attack,
stroke, arthritis, colon cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, macular
degeneration, etc. I wrote down
findings with links. It is divided into 5
sections: on estrogens, junk science
by pharma &
the NIH (National Institute of Health) with critics responses; HRT benefits,
recommended type and dose of natural HRT (NHRT);
and last is a non-technical 1-page healthful summation.
My studies of HRT uncovered critics who
explained that the NIH used knowingly the worst formulation of HRT, Prempro
(more on it below), thus the results from their major WHI clinical trial cannot
be generalized--though pharma and NIH did.
Moreover, I found also that other HRTs lowers breast cancer risk and
increases survival. Laboratory work shows
that NHRT promotes the death of
cancerous cells via the body's necrosis factor.
The American Heart Association, and in 1995 held that “Estrogen replacement therapy markedly
attenuates the development of dietary atherosclerosis… up to 50% fewer adverse coronary events.” My research uncovered that pharma
funds medical science; but
it is really marketing-tobacco science. The HRT story is just one example of how
pharma through control of information controls the practice of medicine.
I call it tobacco ethics. In time I came to understand why doctors prescribe
bad drugs.
If skeptical watch the quality documentaries which expose the greatest
scam in history, at Video Library.
When shopping on Amazon for
books on HRT, I found two insightful reviews by women: “Like many
women, I thought the only way to deal with perimenopause and menopause was with
Premarin [made with pregnant horse estrogen, Yuck] and other [synthetic] hormones
pushed by large pharmaceutical companies. This book was a real eye opener for
me. It explains how the estrogens naturally found in a woman's body can't be
patented, because they are just natural bodily hormones. Therefore, the drug
giants who court all the doctors have no financial incentive to tout naturally
occurring hormones. Instead, they push the horse estrogens, and other unnatural
products, which cause side effects [and an ineffective low dose HRT--jk].
This book explains how a woman with a good
doctor can get a pharmacy to mix a custom-blended natural hormone replacement
with few, if any, side effects, because it's what's in your body already.
I took this book [Natural Hormone
Replacement for Women Over 45, by Morgentaler[2]
& Wright, 1997] to my doctor who said of course he'd be happy to prescribe
natural hormones as suggested in the book.[3] Had
I not brought it up, I, too would have
been prescribed that horrible Premarin or Prempro, made from the urine of
pregnant (and abused) mares. I've
with other women over 45-50 who take the horse estrogen, Premarin (the name
comes from PREgnant MARe's urine), and they were shocked that there was an
alternative their doctors had never bothered mentioning.
Anyone interested in natural health should
buy this must-read, and then discuss with your doctor.”
A Second review: “I had a hysterectomy
5 years ago and have
been very sick ever since but was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Depression and Panic Disorder. It
started within a week of the surgery. Symptoms
were mild at first but progressively got worse until I was bedridden. I have
been declared disabled by a Social Security Disability judge. I have tried various conventional Estrogen
Replacement Therapies but without much help (pills, creams, shots, patches have
caused all sorts of reactions - even borderline delirium and total
incapacitation. [They took her ovaries during the hysterectomy and gave her a
psychiatric drug--jk.][4] A friend told me
about this book and I
immediately found an innovative GYN who worked with a compounding pharmacist
who cautiously (with slow increases) prescribed this Natural Hormone Therapy
for me via a cream since I don't absorb by mouth. [This has changed,
progesterone now can be taken orally, and is available from a compounding
pharmacy with estradiol—jk.] Within
month, I began to notice a difference. I am now feeling wonderful for the first
time in years--pre-hysterectomy normal. I
am so thrilled that I am telling my story to all that will listen. I have friends that have seen such a dramatic
change in me that they are buying the book and changing doctors to get off of
the unnatural estrogen derived from horse urine they are on. This book is a
must reading for all women and doctors who treat them. This information must
get out--had I known, perhaps my 5 year nightmare would have been avoided.” Note
by jk: My best-friend’s mother
what this woman writes of. They
took her
ovaries, put her on the tranquilizer, diazepam. In 18 months she had her first
nervous breakdown. She remained
psychiatric drugs, had 3 more nervous breakdowns over the next 22 years, than
died from breast cancer.
Third Review: As a practicing pharmacist, it upsets me that
such basic knowledge of hormones was not taught in school. Doctors aren't even
taught some of the basic information Dr. Wright discusses in this book. I wish
all women would read this book and I wish all doctors would open their minds to
the information presented in it. For all the thousands of women I know to be
using natural hormone replacement therapy, I don't know a single "unhappy
RECOMMENDATIONS: These sex hormones have many additional functions
including regulation of bone formation, on metabolism though insulin-leptin
levels, on maintenance of blood vessels and skin, and a dozen more, see Wiki and Wiki. Thus take natural HRT (NHRT)
at dose comparable to the Danish
study (Trisekvens). NHRT is part of nature’s
clock. NHRT
sets the body’s clock to premenopausal and thereby reduces the rise for
age-related chronic conditions. Their
lack causes the precipitous decline after
menopause. Life extension with
long-term NHRT is over 4 years. True to profits-first corporate tobacco ethics, pharma
offers 1) HRT in too low a dose; 2) synthetic estrogens, horse estrogen, and
synthetic progesterone (progestins) of questionable value and safety; 3) human
estrogens estrone (E1), Estriol (E3), estetrol (E4) which are less bioactive
and thus block the action of estradiol, the best estrogen; 4) progestins could be like MPA and block some of
the benefits of estradiol. For hot
flashes, NIH guidelines include a major tranquilizer (SSRI) or an estrogen
blocker such as Tamoxifen. I recommended
50 mg progesterone micronized in oil capsule[5]
with 2 mg estradiol prepared by a compounding pharmacy. Alternate
is topical lotion of 8 mg of
estradiol + 100 mg progesterone (absorption is 10%). If concerned about
muscle strength, add 10 mg of testosterone in lotion to reverse sarcopenia, androgen
deficiency, & to improve libido without
reduction in estradiol. For lotion, apply as widely as possible
over the torso and face; with water and rub it in. Tell your physician you are aware of risks and
are convinced of benefits of NHRT
and give him a copy
2010 journal article. Tell
him you observed the benefits in a friend & a relative and want the
same. Most doctors will comply. Beware of
hormone balancing; the doctor is milking the treatment. The evidence for sequential
HRT is weak and
it has a lower compliance because of vaginal bleeding—at 1997. For more on Why Natural HRT. Avoid “bio-identical” plant estrogens, and
progesterones—they aren’t identical to human sex hormones. These
hormones occupy
receptors with uncertain action and possible block benefits like MPA, and have low
bio-availability. There is a lack of quality clinical trials on them.[6] The youthful
free-serum estradiol level is > 300 pmol/L, or > 80 pg/mL. Low estrogen
entails gain in unhealthy visceral
fat. Reset you bio-clock with NHRT,
your diet, learn about the corruption
caused by pharma (on YouTube),
and why doctors are their pharma’s
[1] They are approved by the FDA
on the surrogate end-point greater bone mass, not less fractures.
[2] A Harvard prof, his Testosterone for Life expose the junk
since behind T and prostate cancer,
the same is true of ER cancers and estrogen.
[3] It
has gotten much worse since 2001, pharma
opposes the benefits of HRT and thus drums into doctors through their opinion leaders
in pharma funded
continuing education classes that HRT (based on junk science) is bad and should
be given at the lowest dose for the shortest time—a position also taken by the
NIH (National Institute of Health). Today
only a few doctors will gladly prescribe when asked HRT, as the review states. Read
3rd review by pharmacist about his thousands of satisfied customers (must be a
compounding pharmacist).
[4] Doctors believe
that castrating women is a good idea because estrogen causes breast cancer
(Prempro does, but NHRT prevents
cancer). Thus after the castration, they
aren’t given estradiol-progesterone.
Thus that lady had the expected side effects. This often begins the slippery
slope down with
downers to treat depression. All drugs
in the diazepan family and all SSRIs are downers (tranquilizers) marketed for a
long assortment of conditions. The patient
drugged that sleeps longer rates 12% higher on the Hamilton
Rating Scale (depression, another
for anxiety) and
also has less pain, etc. thus these drugs are approved by the FDA. And it gets
worse, read The Emperor’s New
Drugs, by prof. Irving Kirsch on SSRIs.
[5] Prometrium
is marketed in dose of either 100 or 200 mg of progesterone micronized in
[6] “There is no evidence that
the human body can convert its
active ingredient. For example diosgenin, the plant steroid, is chemically
converted to produce several steroid and sold as natural, see Wiki, and for more on progesterone, Dr. Lee.

[1] They are approved by the FDA on the surrogate
end-point greater bone mass, not less fractures.
[2] It
has gotten much worse since 2001, pharma
opposes the benefits of HRT and thus drums into doctors through opinion leaders in
pharma funded
continuing education classes that HRT (based on junk science) is bad and should
be given at the lowest dose for the shortest time—a position also taken by the
NIH (National Institute of Health). Today
only a few doctors will give gladly HRT, as the review states.
[3] Doctors believe
that castrating women is a good idea because estrogen causes breast cancer
(Prempro does, but NHRT prevents
cancer). Thus after the castration, they
aren’t given estradiol-progesterone.
Thus that lady had the expected side effects. This often begins the slippery
slope down with
downers to treat depression. All drugs
in the diazepan family and all SSRIs are downers (tranquilizers) marketed for a
long assortment of conditions. The
patient drugged that sleeps longer rates 12% higher on the Hamilton
Rating Scale (depression,
another for anxiety) and
also has less pain, etc. thus these drugs are approved by the FDA. And it gets
worse, read The Emperor’s New
Drugs, by prof. Irving Kirsch on SSRIs.