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TO THALES: a diabribe on folly

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          TO          THALES



A diatribe for those that reasons way

Confound and leave in disarray,

Who like the smith bend iron truth

To fit their worldly goals, gods zounds, foresooth!!!


To those sanctimonious anachronisms

Who in gods service confute wisdom;

With edict, prophecy -and- scriptures proclaim

"Therein lies truths domain."

For them the revealed truths are singular,

Conflicting evidence and logic they disbar.

With laws and swords at adversaries throats,

For humming different tune and notes.


No verbal pretext to mass morality

Can justify their heinous brutality

And how they human nature and social order misalign

In their errant veneration of the divine.

Those who disclaim what evidence promotes

Deserve to receive much worse then they wrote


To those erudite pontificating pendants

Whose obfuscation students must recant

Cause they amalgamate science with disparate parts,

And grandiloquently twaddle to exhibit pseudo-smarts;

Their fulsome array chimerically confounds;

Once in learned halls their type abound,

Yet still in this age of science too many are around.


To those whose aesthetic tastes give license

To floridly doodle vacuous verse void of sense

On gossamer wings the infernal abyss, vales, and lofty mountains scale,

Or abut in a falderal of words and phrases significance veil.


And those windbags with highfalutin prose

Make the reader doze;     -

Their drivel, natters, jabber, prattle, blather, blabber

Makes me spirits all the sadder.


From those whose logic's weaker than pleasures end

The worldly perils are our dividends;

They swallow our traditions and our present plight;

And believe their slogans guide the way to right.


But change started so long ago by Thales,

Who first the mythical assailed

With plain godless reason and the laws of nature;

His way with modern science has matured.

So when man with logic upon the mythical prevails

Utopia will cease to be a fairy-tale.

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