Eyes and Perfume
Her heart, it skipped a beat
(that meeting in my room
when first our eyes did meet),
the scent of her perfume.
I wont my friend dishonor,
though weary of this load,
for desires are an anchor,
though seasons hope erode.
Again I hear him yell,
he shoves his loving Vicki,
the end it does foretell;
with battered heart she'll come
to me.
Rose, fragrant, fertile, doomed:
inside its red velvet petals,
in the rose hip their gnaws a beetle--
sweet beauty housing death!
On a bed of dirt below
her petals soon will fall,
for at one ovary cancer gnaws
to assure my love an early death.
Love slumbers
in our measured numbers,
making it disappointing dream
filled with business schemes.
But reason has us taught
How to rise above to let love casts us free
of distinctions between you and me.
We are meant to be:
through your mind I see
and find guidance,
through your mind I feel
and find romance,
through your presence
slowly I heal.
We are meant to be
your lock, my key;
uniion opening tantric
love is the control
and wisdom teqaches honor;
joined in the soul,
together we are whole.