de Barros |

This is me now in my mid 70's. The upside is that I am in the tp 2% of my age group as to health, and I still am dedicated
a skeptic with who puts doing good first. I have gone on a quest to find out what has gone wrong health wise. Over the last
60 years we have replaced the tobacco caused disaster with one caused by food that has caused through liver damage the dysfunction
of the weight-regulatory system with at its causal base damage to the liver by the reactive sugar fructose and the resultant
fatty liver and insulin resistance. Humans are by far the sickest of mammals. Fructose is at least 32 time more reactive
than glucose. We eat 10 times more sugar than our paleo ancestors. Fructose is a slow poison like ethanol, but the consequences
are worse. We get cancer, heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, osteoporosis and a 100 other non-infectious
conditions our ancestor don't.
The fix lies with extending autophagy, the body’s healing process by skipping meals. For more on this and
the health disaster caused by medications that do more harm than good, go to http://healthfully.org/rg/index.html the documentary
page of over 200 on assorted health topics at/rg/id4, and for why doctors give junk treatments at rep/id11

Google internal search engine ABOVE & BELOW -- please use
This site is one of 3 sites maintained by California Skeptics
All with cool art and informative articles 12/3/19
#31 TABLE OF CONTENTS healthfully, over 1,200 pages downloaded per day.
#7 TABLE OF CONTENTS skeptically, over 8,000 pages downloaded per day.
#201 Recommended JK BOOK, How Fructose poisons every cell, A textbook on conditions associated with western diet
#157 Video documentaries lectures YouTube Healthful diet, bad pharma, GMOs etc. with description
# 180 RECOMMENDED WESTERN DIET PANDEMIC, high fructose diet and its conditions—proofs
# 181 RECOMMENDED LOW SUGAR POPULATIONS Biomarkers, books, etc.
#152 RECOMMENDED--CONCISE Bad drugs, good drugs, treatments & supplements,
#161 RECOMMENDED HEALTHFUL Improving health including diet and nutritional science
#185 RECOMMENDED FRUCTOSE PAMDEMIC BOOK fructose makes us sick: JK’s book on how
YouTube VIDEOS: (+500 video links) Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. 1/23/2023 ***** outstanding § twice listed pasted
at http://healthfully.org/rh/id7.html /rg.id4 rc/id26.html
Cast the videos onto the television and view them with friends and family in the comfort of the living rom. I use a 20-foot
HDMI cable from my laptop so that I can use links in this word document. To my TV attached is a surround sound, a top stereo
quality system. YouTube video music is excellent played this way with a video to hold your attention.
24 Topics—with informative ratings Part I (bad pharma and diet related)
1A. Bad regulators, bad pharm 1B. Bad Medicine, bad advice 2A. Dieting, sugar, carbs 2B. Fasting 2C fats
2D Ketogenic Diet 3A Diabetes and insulin resistance 3B Conditions of affluence 3C Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Part II
4. Cancer and Starve Cancer 5. Alzheimer’s, neurodegenerative diseases, salubrious ketone bodies (diet)
6. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the cholesterol–fat myth 7A. Psychiatric drugs 7B. Neuroscience and
conditioning 7C. Psychology 8. Healthful drugs opposed by pharma 9. Health Issues 10. Biological-health science
10B. Mitochondria 10C. Stem cells and Autophagy, the many ways of self-healing 11. Chiropractics and alternative
medicine 12. GMOs 13. Commercial farming, regulatory capture of FDA, organic? 14. Science topics (15) = 24
NOTE the number of viewed listed for each is for that link when pasted, thus it is not the current total number views,
moreover, some have multiple addresses for same program, and a few because of contents are in 2 locations in Part I and Part