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jerrymondo |
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Program start time |
Nov 18, 2007 02:43 |
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Time of first request |
4, 2004 11:54 |
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Time of last request |
17, 2007 23:59 |
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Time last 7 days lasts until |
18, 2007 02:43 |
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9,267 Requests |
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Your site had 1213 page views yesterday and 38066 page views so far
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EVENTS -- Starting with JKs
retirement in Oct 2012, a new collection of articles mostly written by JK were
posted under the heading of recommended. These
articles are based upon the fact that
pharma consistently applies tobacco ethics, thus I start by questioning
everything that could have been modified by pharma for marketing goals (unless
it is supported by basic cellular biology).
From there I examine the journal literature and medical books. I pay
carefully attention to older medical
wisdom and to the critics. Using this
base I arrive at the best evidenced based conclusions. My university education
in science (10
courses) and 2 years of graduate school in Philosophy have laid this foundation
which has been developed further by my continuing studies in health sciences,
which moved forward in 1981 when I purchased a new pharmacology textbook by
Goodman and Gilman. Since then I have
purchased 15 more. I started
healthfully.org in 2004.
#158 http://healthfully.org/rg/ Gateway
introduction to the research on treatments and
health which often is contrary to the pharma’s marketing science. These "recommended" sections were started in
October of 2012
e-mail to thinker@skeptically.org
Health is essential for quality of life. Given the proclivity for injurious behavior (the prime examples being obesity, tobacco,
soldiering, and recreational drugs) I can only conclude that the rational function of the brain is primarily social,
including the generation of reasons for what is inexcusable; and the rest of what we do is quite similar to
the actions of our cats and dogs. I wish that all people would develop a love of philosophy (the term in Greek
means love of wisdom). With such love there would be a commitment to hold beliefs in proportion to the evidence
in support there of, and there would be a drive for to live a truly moral life.
The information, facts, and opinions
provided here is not a substitute for professional advice. It only indicates
what JK believes, does, or
would do. Always consult your primary
care physician for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.
