for men and for women—2 pages (6/18/2013) http://healthfully.org/rc/id7.html
Keeping your youthful- level of testosterone
(TTT) has
major health benefits for both men past 60 and women past 45. The testes produce 95% of the TTT, about 5 mg/day & about
50 to
100 mcg of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
and estradiol. In women TTT is synthesized by the corpus
luteum (adjacent to the ovaries) and the adrenal cortex. TTT is 60% bonded to
a plasma protein, 38% to
albumin, and 2% free. DHT and TTT are
androgens and thus build muscle mass. DHT is far more
active than TTT in promoting male
characteristics. TTT & DHT
freely enters target cells and binds to intracellular receptors which then bind
to DNA promoting gene transcription. DHT
is more active at these sites. DHT is
necessary in early development for enlargement of the prostate, penis, and hair
growth at the time of puberty. The pituitary gland secretes LH
and FSH; they act on the testes to stimulate the production of sperm and TTT. Estrogen
(estradiol) is a vital
component of the male physiology, and in fact is made from TTT. Estrogen decreases
LH production and thus
TTT. The range for TTT is 13 - 40
nmol/l (370 - 1100 ng/dl), and for estradiol is 55 -165 pmol/l (10 -
30 ng/dl). These figures, the first is the
average for 80 years old man followed by average for a 20 year old. Given that
with age, the sensitivity of the TTT receptors decline, an adjustment ought to be made
for low bioactivity of TTT in the elderly. The state of medical science is worse than
imagined. As background I highly
recommending that you familiarize yourself with how big PhARMA (pharmaceutical
corporations) operates, “Marketing Science, Misinformation,
2pgs”. And like estrogen and aspirin, TTT usage has come under attack by
PhARMA and the FDA; an attack that
violates science to promote profits—see next page for benefits. The FDA issued a black-box warning for TTT exposure
of children by contact with a user. The attack on TTT (which is not patented) includes both the causing
of aggressive prostate cancer and CardioVascular
Disease (CDV); both are not just false, but the opposite is true--see next page.
found a similarity in disorder in older
men and women based on low hormone levels.” As Harvard Prof. Md. and former
chief editor of the New England Journal of Medicine Marcia
Angell explains:
We certainly are in a
health care crisis ... If we had set out to design the worst system that we
could imagine, we couldn't have imagined one as bad as we have.”
with topical testosterone, timeline to
maximal change (Eur J Endocrinol. 2011, Nov. 675-85)
6 weeks
26 weeks
of life
4+ weeks
Depressed mood
30 weeks
Erythropoiesis-red cells 52 weeks
profile 52
52 weeks
Muscle strength
16 weeks
Reduced fat mass
16 weeks
12 weeks
Bone mass
detectable at 26 weeks (versus
gradual erosion, prevents osteoporosis).
NOTE: Often clinical trials are
run for under 3 months and
with the elderly use too low a dose, and thus they underestimate the benefits of
TTT-- and ignore quality of life.
Recommendations: Standard prescription doses are too low to yield major gains in
strength and mood elevation in the elderly. Adjust treatment for a youthful
level ( 1100 ng/dl). You might need a compounding pharmacy for a
topical lotion. I apply widely as possible ¼ tsp. daily of topical lotion of 15% TTT. By adding dose to 1
oz of water and mixing,
then applying with fingers, it permits better coverage of the face and torso,
and absorption. At 70 I am moderately
stronger than I was 50. When I increased the dose from 1/8.to ¼ tsp in
2010 all joint soreness and
cramping vanished. The older I get the
more I need for the same results since the cellular TTT receptors respond less.
My doctor has stated to me twice that when he reaches my age, he will be
using TTT. On one occasion he had a
colleague present during my examination to convince him of TTT benefits. Other
observed benefits include youthful
skin, less joint pain, and cognitive benefits.
Feeling well and looking younger have sexual benefits. I have been using
TTT since 2003. My TTT level has been at the upper normal
limit for a 20 year-old. If still in
doubt, take a look at the senior bodybuilders
at Google
images, or youtube. For TTT I use Coast Compounding
760-433-6232. (Hormone balancing HRT
lacks is junk science.)
“Several observations suggest that
testosterone is also capable of modulating neural systems in adult animals. For
example, androgen treatment prevents N-methyl- D-aspartate (NMDA)
excite-toxicity in hippocampal neurons12 and may facilitate recovery
after injury by promoting fiber outgrowth and sprouting.13 Administration
of TTT increases nerve growth
factor (NGF) levels in the hippocampus, and induces an upregulation of NGF
receptors in the forebrain. In another
important study, Hammond et al.18 found that testosterone was
protective of human primary neurons in culture, providing the most direct
evidence for neuro-protective effects of testosterone on human neural tissue”(Moffat). These finding are widely supported.
Equivocal finding are because of design: short duration and low dose.
(AD) &cognitive functions: Beta amyloid accumulation
in the brain is the physical manifestation for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). “Testosterone decreases
secretion from rat cortical neurons15 and reduces amyloid-induced
neurotoxicity in cultured hippocampal neurons.16 (Moffat).
reduces neuronal secretion of Alzheimer's β-amyloid [Aβ] peptides. Based on in vitro study
a decrease in Aβ release also was
observed. “Importantly,
in this
prospective longitudinal study, we quantified long-term testosterone
concentrations in individuals prior to the diagnosis of dementia.38
This was done by restricting assays only to those blood samples that were
provided 2, 5 and 10 years prior to the diagnosis of AD diagnosis (FIG. 3).
Consistent with the results of other studies, we observed lower free
testosterone levels in individuals diagnosed with AD compared to controls (FIG
4). More specifically, the results of this study revealed an approximately 10%
reduction in the risk for AD for each unit increase in free testosterone. These
results were robust with respect to restricting testosterone values to 2, 5 and
10 years prior to AD diagnosis. (Moffat; a 26% decrease
for each 10-nmol/nmol FTI
increase. Also TTT reduces the rate of age-related
cognitive decline.
(improved lean body mass to fat ratio) and obesity: Study shows that 65 years of age men
lost 3 kg of fat while gaining 1.9 kg of muscle mass over a 36 month
period. “After 3 months
of TTT treatment, lean body mass was significantly increased”,… Muscle adaptation to exercise is strongly influenced
by anabolic endocrine hormones … whereas
TTT and locally expressed IGF-I have been reported to activate muscle stem
cells. Several studies have reported … maximal voluntary strength in healthy older men.” “It is
known that plasma total
testosterone (T) is
decreased in obese men in proportion to the degree of obesity,”
& bone density: “The
most significant increase in BMD [bone
mass density] was seen during the
first year of TTT treatment in previously untreated patients, when BMD increased
from 95.2 ± 5.9 to 120.0 ± 6.1 mg/cm3 hydroxyapatite
(mean ± SE). Long term TTT treatment maintained BMD
in the age-dependent reference range in all 72 hypogonadal
men….” It has no effect on those with
normal TTT levels the article explains.
TTT encourages bone marrow stimulation and reversing the effects of anemia.
Metabolic syndrome MetS (poor
cholesterol profile, obesity, and
high blood pressure): “Emerging evidence suggests that testosterone therapy may be able to reverse some aspects
of metabolic syndrome” And
another. “These results suggest that low SHBG [sex
hormone-binding globulin] and/or AD [androgen deficiency, TTT] may provide
early warning signs for cardiovascular risk and an opportunity for early intervention in non-obese men.” In a matched study followed ten years
published by the AHA found that
the lowest
quarter of men were 41% more likely to die from cancer and cardiovascular
disease compared to the highest quarter. Low
is associated with cardiovascular disease.
TTT Inhibits atherogenesis: in
a survey paper,
“Positive correlation between total or free testosterone level and HDL
and a negative association the LDL” and.
Conclusion: “A normal physiological level of TTT in men protects
against the development of high cholesterol, insulin resistance, hypertensions,
clots that cause heart attacks,
obesity, and increased waist:hip ratio, all of which predispose to the
development of CVD. Low or low normal
TTT is implicated in the pathogenesis of acute MI and acute stroke. The decline
of TTT with age may explain the
greater risk of CVD with advancing years” [medical terminology simplified by
jk]. TTT is good for your heart,
muscles, and blood vessels.
Attack, after controlling for
factors low
associated with
positive effect upon fibrinolytic
pathway, reduces
studies found that diabetes
is clearly associated with low TTT, and monitor
of TTT is recommended for middle aged men.
one year, adding TTT to exercise and diet reversed MetS in 81%, compared
to 31% for those without TTT, also.
cancer: Low
levels of TTT are
associated with prostate cancer, aggressive prostate cancer, and disease progression. “In our study patients with prostate
cancer and low free TTT had more extensive disease. In addition, all
men with a biopsy Gleason
score of 8 or greater had low serum free testosterone. This finding suggests that low serum free
testosterone may be a marker for more aggressive disease.” The practice
of chemically castrating men
with prostate cancer cannot be justified given these findings. Similar finding
for breast
cancer and low estrogen. Wikipedia support these conclusions. PhARMA
has no
Sarcopenia refers to the loss of skeletal muscle
mass with age and is associated with low levels of TTT. We have found a
prevalence of sarcopenia of 22.6% in older postmenopausal women not receiving estrogen. TTT prevents and reverses sarcopenia in men and women through the simulation
of the growth differentiation factor myostatin.
elevation and quality of life & sexual performance: with all these positive effects both quality
of life and mood elevation improve.
As stated before benefits are dose related,
and they come on slowly over a period of one year. It is NOT
a coincidence that as the TTT level drops with age that numerous age-relate d
conditions develop and the quality of life decreases. Sexual
performance and drive improves mainly
because of increased strength, endurance, & mental alertness, i.e.,
general well being. The issue is not
“what is normal TTT at your age,” but what level of TTT dramatically improves
your health and quality of life.
women: Cognitive
“Effects of testosterone on
visuo-spatial performance has been suggested by enhanced performance in females
exposed prenatally to excess androgens19,20” (TTT 13 pgs) “Women with higher
scores on mental status had significantly
higher total and bioavailable testosterone levels.” (Moffat).
In a study of women 55-88 years of age, those
with the higher levels of TTT adjusted for age performed significantly better. Sexual desire: “Compared with placebo, women receiving the 300-µg/d testosterone
patch had significantly greater increases from baseline in sexual
desire (67% vs 48%; P = .05)
and in frequency of satisfying sexual activity (79% vs 43%; P = .049).” Mood
“The positive-well-being, depressed-mood,
and composite scores of the Psychological General Well-Being Index also
improved at the higher dose [of
testosterone]”. The concern
over masculinization is misplaced (contrary to the teachings of PhARMA) because
the dose is insufficient and it is not TTT but dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that
is responsible for masculinization.
Other evidence: go to a gym and
take a look at women body builders. To
obtain such muscle mass requires the use of androgens several times that of a
young men; nevertheless, they aren’t hairy or their voices deep. Second,
in the 80’s and 90’s there was
marketed a formulation of HRT using TTT, a form of which is still sold as
Estratest. TTT patch for women
is available. See the 3 pages on HRT last page for details.
GH, Growth hormone: Sometimes
used with TTT. “On the other hand, most studies have
shown that administration of GH alone failed to improve muscle strength despite
amelioration of the detrimental somatic changes of aging. Both GH and TTT are
anabolic agents that promote muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy but work
through separate mechanisms, and the combined administration of GH and TTT,
albeit in only a few studies, has resulted in greater efficacy than
hormone alone.” This is consistent with both
medical literature and belief held by body builders on “the juice”
(androgens & GH).
Further studies are needed to access the long-term consequences of the
combo of GH and TTT. GH must be injected. Alternates,
including enhancers are probably a scam.
If reputable lab studies aren’t done and published, expect the
footnote for web pages. Precocious puberty from Wikipedia:
TTT is made both
by girls and boys,
pre-puberty. The FDA used 8 cases of reported aggression or genitalia
enlargement as the reason for the black-box warning. There was no
laboratory investigation to prove that those events were caused by father who
applied topical TTT. No proof was sought by the FDA, just anecdotal reports. Precocious sexual develop
occurs in a small number of children. In my class in 3rd grade, for
example, one girl was developing breasts. Moreover, the patch, the most commonly
sold form of TTT, is covered and adheres to the skin, thus contact by the child
would not occur. Finally,
if the source is a lotion from a compounding pharmacy (under 10% of total
sales), then transfer through contact is possible. But very few fathers take
TTT, making such
transfer unlikely. Other relatives would
have too infrequent contact. And such contact
must be on the area applied, usually the underarm or chest. But prolonged contact
with these parts of the
body are high unlikely for a prepubescent boy. Moreover, casual contact would
not contribute appreciable to the level of TTT in the child. If the FDA wanted
to prove that transfer was
possible, they could easily construct a test with tagged TTT, and have 2nd
person rub against the person where the tagged TTT has been applied using a
topical lotion from a compounding pharmacy.
Then they would a day later take a blood sample and see what percentage
of TTT of total TTT is tagged. Without
testing the reports are not based on science.
The FDA simply relied upon 8 filings of reports the phenomena of either
aggression or genital enlargement in a prepubescent boy. The FDA made no effort
to separate cases to
investigate the causes of precocious puberty, which has numerous natural
causes. A search of www.scholar.google.com list many of
such causes, and at the
bottom of page two a case study that could have been from exposure to
testosterone, though no causal nexus
was firmly
established, and the
authors were uncertain as to cause (published in an
obscure journal). Possible PhARMA was
instrumental in generating those reports filed with the FDA through PhARMA
friendly physicians. The FDA doesn’t
issue black-bow warnings for block-buster drug on anecdotal evidence. Another hatchet
job done by PhARMA’s and the FDA on TTT—business as usual.
A point of interest, and puzzle, has been not just the steady
increase in height over the last 2 centuries, but also the march toward younger
age of menarche in women and male sexual maturity, “In England, the average in 1840 was 16.5 years…. A
2006 study in Denmark found that puberty, as evidenced by breast development,
started at an average age of 9 years and 10 months, a year earlier than when a
similar study was done in 1991…. Early stages of male hypothalamic maturation
seem to be very similar to the early stages of female puberty, though occurring
about 1–2 years later.” see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puberty#Historical_shift.
Contrary to accepted wisdom. It has been long assumed that
testosterone stimulates the growth of prostate cancer; just like estrogen does
for breast cancer. It is
standard procedure to proscribe a drug that blocks testosterone (pharmaceutical
castration), the equivalent is done to women with breast cancer. This assumptions
is false. Numerous
studies have instead of finding a negative effect for TTT (& estradiol for
women) find a positive relation of lower risk and less aggressive. The reason
lies in the nature of cancer and
the approval process. Typical of PhARMA
tests a chemotherapy on stage iv patients (terminal), find that extends their
life on an average around 2-3 months for FDA approval, then markets it for all
stages. However the majority of stage
i-iii cancers are of the indolent type, and haven’t developed the ability to metastasize,
thus often the finding for terminal cancer cannot be validly extended. Moreover
if it is aggressive and discovered in
an early stage, the outcome will is still the same. Survival for ng has minimal
affect on
prognosis. Thus blocking sex hormones
has little benefit if metastatic, and if not hormone blocking increases
long-term mortality rate and lowers quality of life. So too does operating on
localized prostate
cancer have little effect on the course; “16 patients with localized prostate
cancer would
need to receive radical prostatectomy rather than watchful waiting in order to
prevent one death due to prostate cancer…. However, in men older than 65, there
was no statistically significant risk reduction even when adjusted for PSA
level, Gleason score and tumor stage.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostate_cancer). Like with lung cancer and other
types, if it is
aggressive, finding it early makes little difference. Removing a cancer offers
a modest advantage, mainly
because over years an indolent can mutate to become aggressive—risk goes up
with time and number of indolent cancer cells.
The normal level of testosterone for an
80 year old has steadily fallen since 1984 from 450 to under 250. The two principle
causes are statins,
polypharmacy (taking multiple drugs), and obesity; however, that doesn’t
explain the entire drop. JK suspects
that estrogen mimics, food additives, and herbicides could account for the
remainder of the drop. Disconcerting is NIH
shift in standard for low TTT and its affect upon medical practice. The
normal level for an 80 year old in 1984
(450 ng/dL), as high a person aged 50 today.
The current NIH’s
standard for low TTT is under200 ng/dL. “In
meantime, truly hypogonadal men (those who are symptomatic men and have a serum
testosterone concentration below 200 ng/dL) who have no contraindications to
testosterone replacement therapy (e.g., prostate cancer) may benefit from
testosterone replacement regardless of whether they are 30 or 80 years of age.”
WARNINGS: METHYLTESTOSTERONE, testosterone cypionate,
and testosterone undecanoate used long term are associated with liver toxicity,
all of which are orally active. Estrogen
associated with lower level of TTT through inhibition effect. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Lowering the level for normal for elderly: a way to get the doctors to not write scripts
More tricks beside
black bock warning and association with prostate cancer: NIH states that between
300 and 200 is
borderline hypogonadal, while under 200 should be treated. However, the average
level for an 80 year old
is 370 ng/dL. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686341/ which
is a very good article but for several
such pro-PhARMA spins. At http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/92/1/196.full
level of a 45 & 50 year old is
537, 60 years 517, and both 70 & 80 years
517 measured in 1987-89.
Inexplicable the levels dropped for the same group at intervals 1995-97
and 2002-04. The 50-year olds in 95-97
had level of485, the 60s at 476, and
the 70-80 at 471. However the 2002-04 showed a major
decline. The 60s at 436, the 70s
at 436, the 80s at 368.
Among causal factors is the increase in obesity and
polypharmacy over the course of follow-up. Counter is trend is a major
reduction in cigarette smoking. The
article noticed this: “Results were essentially
unchanged when all
covariate effects (see Subjects and Methods)
were included in multivariate
At http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/92/1/196.full http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/92/1/196.abstract
Profits create a conflict of interests