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Video, YouTube bad Pharma

Worse than you can imagine as Prof. Marcia Angell, former Editor in Chief of the NEJM

1A, BAD REGULATORS, BAD PHARMA—journal articles confirmation, the overflow. Expert advice is yet another example of promoting profits by scientists for hire, these key opinion leaders, the KOLs get it consistent wrong by promoting industry’s talking points. You’d be surprised at how many accepted as fact beliefs about health and medications have been cooked-up to maximize profits. There is a mountain of journal articles exposing the flaws, and below are the best of the documentaries and lectures exposing the corruption. As Harvard Prof. Marcia Angell says, “the 800-pound gorilla can do anything it wants.”
***** President’s Lecture Series 2009-2010, 78 min, 27,600 views, U. Montana, MD. Marcia Angell PhD Harvard, based on her best-selling, “The Truth About Drug Companies and how they deceive us”. Her lecture with slides is an example of clarity, organization, and logic; uses examples to illustrate points on how pharma, deceives the public, “educates” doctors, and influences regulators. The evidence proves that the information and regulatory systems are broken. Introduction to the audience about Marcia of 10 minutes is an A+ example of public speaking Highly recommended
***** Everything wrong with the “System” (Educate yourself) 13 min, 309,000 views, What I’ve learned, first quality video, this one in the series is on the business manipulated information system and why we must do due diligence. As professor Ben Goldacre says, “The devil is in the details.” Quality, college level, for one familiar with basic diet terms foundation WATCH
***** Perspectives on the Pandemic | "The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine" | Episode 13 Remastered 42 min, 131,000 views in 5 months, Prof. Lemmon McHenry, book of same title pub June 2020, covers the problems with testing, publishing, ghostwriting, ownership of raw data, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), failure of reviews, regulatory capture, burying side effects; all designed to fulfill sponsor’s goals. Effective, balanced presentation, without too many details, so that each keep point like a chapter title stands out. Quality sound and supporting footage, convincing foundation
§***** Making a Killing, the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs 95 min 669,000 views, on how psychiatrists have become drug pushers all major aspects. Starts with senseless killings and suicides, leads into drug approval, the highly addictive drugs, pseudo testing of the drugs, inventions of mental illness, and how pharma hooked up with Am. Psychiatry Assoc. To turn doctors into willing pill pushers. Weak on science; missed that all these drugs are tranquilizers, given other labels for sales, & they are worse long-term than nothing at all. They pass FDA approval because they increase sleep, which is 15% of its “benefits” under Hamilton Rating Scale. This is a blue print on how pharma markets all classes of drugs, Excellent
§*****Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs 73 min, 100,000 about 2006, excellent on use of marketing, brief interviews and ads, but weak on quality of video, Excellent
*****Exposing big pharma as organized crime 8 min, 175,000 views, Prof. Peter Gotzsche MD, lead European research and co-founder of Cochrane Review, how has gone public about the how pharma corrupts all aspects of health care (see his books), the best of all critics at Excellent
Money Talks, Profits before Patient Safety 49 min, 8.000 views, documentary in format like 60 Minutes, on bad pharma, testimonial, weak on science, pharma’s biased clinical trials and journal articles, regulatory capture, and junk drugs. Complete entertaining, good
***** The information architecture of medicine, 15 min, 7,000 views, Dr. Ben Goldacre Prof, London University School of Medicine, leader in the movement to put science back in medicine, both videos are on missing data and how it perverts treatment decisions causing harm, his book Bad Pharma covers much more. what doctors don’t know missing data, 13 min, 444,000 views, TED-X lecture, same topic important message
***** Fact vs, fake—why don’t we trust science anymore, 52 min, 1.38M 4 weeks, DW German Public Broadcast Service, starts with bee dying from a new pesticide to the tobacco, the industries use scientists for hire to confuse the subject by add many more causes to bury the damning evidence, this process is called agnotology, the creation of unknowledge, which allows the media to cherry pick content, and physician to promote profits [ taken down] now 11 minutes shorter at Very Good
***** The Big Secret 73 min, 1.3 M 1 year documentary strong on history, shift to drugs to manage symptoms instead of prevention, AMA control, require to follow guidelines, positive bias in trials, tobacco research, profits before people, Earl Butz and shift to cheap grains, GMOs, sugar poison, keto diet, natural healing profits first, experts on each topic, weak on science Excellent
***** How big Pharma pushes dangerous drugs and reaps profits, 9 min, 2,900,000 view in 3 months, Gravitas Plus, covers the power of big pharma on the US government, which permits price gouging, the approval of bad drugs, the opioid epidemic, covers a scandals of FDA approval a terrible Alzheimer’s drug; the opioid market expansion, and a case of price gouging, excellent for a short. Better than US news Excellent
Statin wars: have we been misled by the evidence 24 min, 219,000 views, Dr. Maryanne Demasi, former of ABC (Australia) medical reporter for the catalyst program who was removed following their most successful program, a two-part series on statins and the cholesterol myth (see above), covers a number of issues with the data bias, trials, buries side effect, but missing the big ones of not sharing the raw data with journals, scientific fraud, CME classes given by KOLs, who also write the textbooks, etc. Her removal from Catalyst because of criticism of the lipid hypothesis (part 1) and the use of statins (part 2)--both are in Section 1B. A hero of the people whom the audience acknowledges very good
The fact-free lockdown hysteria, 53 min, 749,522 in 2 weeks, Thomas E Woods, Jr. on exaggerated claims of deaths and real costs of lock down; e.g., WTO predicts 42-66 million children will die from increased poverty. Logical, but misses false positive, counting those without symptoms as infected, the comparison to yearly flu pandemic, hospital’s $13,000 incentive for positive, and use of drugs that lower ATP Very good
How We Have Been Lied to by Big Pharma, 53 min, 1,400 Dr. Jason Fung; evidence based lecture; would benefit from Gotzsche, Angell & Goldacre good
The cholesterol hypothesis: 10 Key ideas that the diet dictators have hiden, 69 minutes, 291,853 vies in in 3 months Prof. Tim Noakes, goes over the history of how a sound theory can be buried by tobacco ethics and tobacco studies, exposing McGovern Commission and the AHA with Ancel Keys as the generals. A phone interview, all slide, sound so-so very effective Very Good
*****NPA Annual Conference 2011 Marcia Angell, 47 min, 335 views; lecture is of first quality; at the age of 72, she still stands above others. She explains the existence of a fire wall wherein University professors ran trials to answer important scientific questions free of pharma controls, but in 1984 a Reagan shift began: thus major bias is the norm. Poor audio quality, excellent
Doing Good or doing Well? Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 99 min, 4,500 views Harvard Prof. Marcia Angell, Brown U. on corruption worked by the system whose measure is the maximization of profits. Dr. Mary Reuters, an industry advocate, gave the second talk. She didn’t respond to Angell’s points, but used industry funded studies to “prove” their responsibility, interesting

1B Bad Medicine, Bad Advice (more in #s 8, 9, & 10)
***** Get your love ones off Statins, 14, min, 5,000 views. How pharma creates a condition and then markets it: uses statins as the main example, of creates the condition hypercholesterolemia then markets the fix. Investigate reporting present for a wide audience, quality production Excellent
§***** Heart of the Matter Part 1 Dietary Villains, 29 min, 61,000 views, (ABC) Australian Broadcast Co., the saturated fat-cholesterol myth causes heart disease Heart of the Matter, Part 2 29 min 27,800 views, Maryanne Demasi, MD, show that statins don’t save lives, not safe, and pharma’s biggest drug heists Excellent
****How the Cancer Industry Deceives You with Cancer Drugs: 87 minutes, 69,000 views, quality documentary for a wide audience, also covers the role of FDA and the results of regulatory capture. How industry is into treating not curing, & how promising treatments are blocked for profits, and survival means terminal patient living a month longer Very good
***** Fiona Godless visits DLSPH, [Dallas Law School of Public Health] 63 min 151 views, 2019. The long-term editor in chief of the BMJ and now on governing board; lecture with loads of slides on the harm done by drugs and poor choices which she estimates at 40%. Prescribed pills 15% statins 14% indigestion remedies 11%, pain killers 11% antidepressant 11% for total of 61% of all prescribed drugs. Misses that side effects are not subtracted from the benefits in industry evaluation of their drugs & other bias tricks. excellent
*****Tamiflu 20 min 1,900 views, Australian Broadcast Corporation, on the multi-billion-dollar, anti-viral scam of stockpiles to fight the possible avian flu; only it is both useless and dangerous. Tamiflu has been injected into hundreds of millions of cold sufferers on the possibility of influenza, but only about 1-in-5 has influenza, also useless for bacteria and other viruses, and there are serious side effects. Shows how broken the information and regulatory systems are around the world. A window on the world of pharma, doctors, and governments in our corporatist world excellent

***** part 1 Can you cure diabetes/does fat cause diabetes, 18 min, 491,000, what I’ve learned, cover 6 myths about diabetes, what you need to know that is contrary to the myths that media, dieticians, and doctors promote insulin resistance, (Prof women is from Harvard. In the 60s Harvard for years received money for tobacco science from the Sugar Research institute that produce sugar as safe articles.) FOUNDATION, His best at debunking tobacco science.
*****Eating less meat won’t save the planet, here’s why, 23 min, 3.1M 8 months What I’ve Learned exposes the distortions promoting a vegan diet to help the planet. The difference in green-house gases and consumption of water is under 2 percent. Most water is used for crops, and the vast majority of livestock (ruminants) food is not edible for humans, under 10% is edible. For pound of beef it is 2.8 pounds and for pigs and chickens it is 3.2 pound of human edible food per pound of flesh. 2/3rd of agricultural lands are marginal (suitable for livestock), and 1/3rd are arable. ½ of fertilizers come from livestock, most of the waste veg & fruits 42%, grains 22%, tubers 18% and animals 14%. Switching to vegan is negative, full of chemical and the food made high in sugar and unsaturated fatty acids which is why humans are the sickest of mammals . Excellent
The calcium story, 51, min, 49,000 views, Dr. Jason Fung, goes over the setting up of the dietary amount recommended, its amount is 3-times that of populations for which osteoporosis is exceedingly rare. The calcium supplements are associated with atherosclerosis through deposits in the arteries. He lets the research do the talking, a very logical lecture. Very good
Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare, 30 min, 40,000 view, Dr Jason Fung, goes over the evidence for the dietary recommendation to lower salt. Similar to the previous, a lecture where the evidence does the arguing. Another example of useless FDA advice Very Good
Salt: Are you getting enough? 13 min, 65,000 views 9/17, 327,000 views, What I’ve Learned; the historical use was much higher because of food preservation; we urinate the excess away. With US guidelines for salt we have a higher mortality rate than taking 6 times that amount. He misses the little effect that it has on blood pressure, see Dr. Fung directly above. very good
The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Stories of Vaccines 108 min, 518,000 views, points out how pharma promotes vaccines, many of low efficacy and all of questionable safety because we are injecting foreign substance that have not meaningfully been tested for safety or purity. But the claims of harm done are too often based on weak science and a temporal relationship. Good video and sound, worth watching very good
Too much Medicine 28, min, 9,900 views, ABCTV, Catalyst series, Dr. Demasi, starts with mammograms and over diagnosis, thus harm through unnecessary treatment, covers most major issues such as polypharmacy, guidelines, etc. a good start on a complex topic very good
What medical doctors are taught about nutrition 1 min, 1,100 views Dr. Jason Fung. His nutrition training in the last 20 years is no more than 5 minutes. very good
The doctor who gave up drugs Episode 1 l real story, 58 minutes 257,000 views, Dr. Chris Van Tulleken, BBC quality and style documentary of, getting off a drugs. Done in a UK clinic, 14,000 patients, 15 doctor, 10 minutes per patient; they expect a prescription. Human interest lacks science, chooses 3 types of medication, pain meds, psychiatric, antibiotics, Episode 2: 58 min, 132,000 views, caught in a chain of 10 minute exams and patients who expect drugs, misses how bad they are, and how broken the trials and reporting and guidelines good
Note: The large number of professors and doctors who have come forward to criticize pharma’s tobacco ethics which generates tobacco science to market drugs most of which aren’t worth their side effect. Many of these drugs are causal for other chronic conditions such as dementia, cardiovascular disease, colitis… A chorus of academic critics has convincing evidence which can be found in peer review journal articles, a sample of which is at /rep and some more /rjk—list of their books, and why doctors give Junk treatments.
Cast the videos onto the television and view them with friends and family in the comfort of the living rom. I use a 20-foot HDMI cable from my laptop so that I can use links in this word document. To my TV attached is a surround sound, a top quality stereo system. YouTube video music is excellent played this way with a video to hold your attention.

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